Here is a photograph of Iris (5 months) with her new pal Betty Rae (5 weeks) who came over for a quick photoshoot.
Betty who hadn't been registered at that point, is also known as Elsbeth.
Betty in very pretty and bears no resemblence at all to the popular current programme 'Ugly Betty'.
Betty is Campbell's baby sister.
Campbell is one of Daisy's good friends and they get on really well.
Shonagh, doesn't she look like Campbell in this one?
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Betty Rae
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Happy birthday Auntie Emma
Here is a picture Daisy has drawn for Auntie Emma's birthday, or should i say some writing that Daisy has done for the occasion of Auntie Emma's birthday.
In fact i guess we could call it a card.
And to prove that this piece of art was done especially for Auntie Emma, here is a video (below) of Daisy creating her art.
When i uploaded this video, youtube must have been very busy because i couldn't see it, hopefully it will appear soon.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Our local 'one o'clock club'
I'm not saying where we live is rough or anything but...
Here is the local one o'clock club situated at the bottom of Springfield Park, right next to the Canal/River Lea.
I've never actually been to it cos it burnt down some time before i ever discovered it, which is a shame cos the next nearest one is about a 30-40 min walk away in Clissold Park.
But hey it does make an amusing photograph.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Serious lack of new photo's
Oops, i have been failing to photograph these wonderful girls of late.
I will endeavor to rectify this situation asap.In the meantime here are two photographs of Daisy, one at 6 months the other at 2 years and 6 months.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
The art of sharing
T'other day, we (Daisy and I) were grilling some bacon to have for our lunch, she noticed there were three pieces and she said, "One for Daddy, one for Mummy and one for Daisy" I told her it was one for Mummy and one for Daisy and one for sharing, cos Daddy was at work.
When we sat down to eat our lunch she said "When's sharing coming round?"
And here are some photographs of them demonstrating the art of sharing the washing basket.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Sunday, January 14, 2007
I made some bread!
For christmas i got a magimix all singing all dancing food mixer thingy that lives on the kitchen counter, up until now it has just sat there due to a vital part being missing from the box, The Lid!, but it arrived in the post and now i can use it.
The first thing we (me and Daisy) made was little fairy cakes (Nigella style), I didn't have any royal icing which was what the recipe asked for, so we made some normal bog-standard plain icing (Icing sugar and water) and pink colouring. Daisy drizzled the icing all over the cakes, the plate, the kitchen counter, the floor, her chair, herself, honestly it was everywhere, but she did enjoy herself which was the main thing and they did taste ok, if a little sweet.Next i ventured into bread and here is a photograph to prove it.
Wholemeal bread, and it tasted delicious, especially hot out of the oven with lashings and lashings of butter smothered all over it.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Lisa on You Tube
Lisa (out of Lisa mummy to Flossie)
also known as Lisa (out of Sing Sing) has put up a couple of videos on you tube, this is the best one called Feels Like Summer.
Their website is (i think some of my photo's are still on there in the gallery.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Jury Service
I've been called for Jury Service!
I mean fancy asking me, i'm the most suspicious person in the world, whoever it is will definitely be guilty.
but anyway i can't do jury service, unless they have a creche available for me to put both Daisy and Iris in, and as long as i'll be excused to go and feed Iris whenever she cries.
So how do i get out of that one?
By the way i have been excused from Jury Service for 12 months.
Monday, January 01, 2007
Happy New Year
It's 2007 and we are entering this year as a family of four, which is one more than last year.
Here are some random photographs taken during our Christmas / New Year excursion to Devon.
Grandad Tony and Grandma Helena in Rousden (near Lyme Regis)
Daisy, Iris, Nana & I went to see Cinderella Panto at Torquay's Princess Theatre. Daddy, Grandad Nick, Auntie Vicky and Auntie Polly & Anne were supposed to come too, but a particularly nasty virus spread like something 'very runny' at my mums birthday party two nights before and everyone was too poorly to come. Mum invited her old school friend Pam and her daughter Tracey and Tracey's son Mathew to come along instead.
Whilst i ran to get the car in the pooring rain, Tracey held Iris and Kamal (the fairy diva) apparently gave Iris a quick cuddle and commented on her lovely outfit which was a brown bear snow suit.
**My daughter has been held by Kamal!, i could auction her on Ebay for literally tens of pounds perhaps**
Festive shots of the little one's and Nana:
Here we are trying to get a self portrait of all of us squeezed into the bed, it kind of worked but Marc only just has his eyes open and Daisy insisted on getting Chicken in on the action too.