Now i don't really use twitter in the way that (i think) it's supposed to be used.
Some people, send tweats from their phones at every available moment, in order to tell everyone who is following them, exactly what they are up to.
I don't do it because i don't have an iphone and so therefore it's not free.
It would cost me a fortune to tweat every mundane task that we (Daisy, Iris and me) do all day every day.
Actually it probably wouldn't change much from one day to the next, so it would be incredibly boring as well as expensive.
But here, is a link to a very funny animation which shows you what twitter is all about, ha ha.
I'll just continue to randomly update my twitter online (where it is free) with all the strange things that these girls say.
tweat tweat
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
The truth about Twitter in a handy animation.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Oh flipperty flip
I've only gone and bloomin' well forgotten Vicky's birthday today.
I blame my lost birthday calender 'somewhere in a box' that used to hang next to our toilet, (note to self, make a new one) but that is no excuse, other people manage to remember birthdays without birthday calenders.anyway though
Happy Birthday Vicky
I am very sorry that i forgot and i will make you something in recompense.
Here is a photograph of Daisy jumping in mid air to make you smile.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The countryside
These photographs were taken not long after we moved in, but i forgot about them until i just found them today.
Just behind the pub in the village is a lovely little walk that takes you round the back of the village and back down past the playground which is rather handy.
The girls rather like running around fields, which is just as well seeing as our garden in a bit like a field full of dandelions.
If you click on this photographs below (that i stitched together) you will be able to see our church in the distance which is opposite our house (see how i called it our church, i seem to have taken ownership of it already)
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Just passing through
This is the view out of our front windows, yes we really are that close to the church.Imagine my surprise last week when i looked out of our window at the church, as i do numerous times a day, to see a fella lying there enjoying the sunshine.
He pulled out all sorts of stuff from his rucksack: a mat to sleep on; a pillow; a little blanket; a wind up radio (no need for batteries); a flask; a cup; some coffee/tea powder then he went round to the pub to get some hot water so that he could make himself a hot drink.
He stayed there all afternoon and then when the sun went down he disappeared, i haven't seen him since.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Our new mower
We bought a new petrol lawn mower over the easter weekend.
It has a honda engine in it, my dad has one so we copied.It's very good and a lot of fun to use, though i might not think it's such fun by the end of the summer cos we have quite a lot of grass to cut.
We also have an abundance of dandelions, does anyone know if you can do anything useful with dandelions?
Monday, April 13, 2009
I've done a wee wee
Iris is very proud of her wee wees and likes to show you what she has done before she takes great delight in sloshing it down the toilet. (it's a good job our bathroom is so shitty!)
Here she is showing Auntie Emma her wee wee.
Auntie Emma looks somewhat surprised.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Steam engines on Easter Sunday.
We went to the East Somerset Railway yesterday, courtesy of Grandma Margaret and Grandad Roger.
They had bought us a ride on a steam train which was very cool, it was just like being in 'The Railway Children', we really should have worn long dresses with crisp white aprons and white gloves and bonnets.
(Marc would have looked lovely in a bonnet)
Fred was visiting us for the weekend (our first London visitor) so she came too.
Here are a few photographs.
This is the engine that pulled our carriages up the line and back again.The girls don't very often get to go on trains so it was probably a bit strange for them at first.
This is the engine that you could drive for a fiver.
Here is Marc being a driver for a fiver.
Here is Fred about to be run over.
Here is Daisy with a certificate saying that she and Iris drove the engine.
Fred and me had a turn on the engine and we went with them so that the engine could be refilled with water.
Fred didn't turn the tap off quick enough so the water went everywhere but i was laughing too much to take a photograph at the time.
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
ipod shuffle
I still haven't found my ipod, but i have found Daisy's shuffle (well my old shuffle).
Here is Iris listening to Daisy's ipod.
On Daisy's ipod are lots of childrens music and stories and they both love listening to it.
I hope i'm not damaging their ears by letting them.This room is at the top of the house, it is otherwise known as the girls' playroom, because of the sheer volume of toys that is too much for one bedroom.
I'm not really too sure how it all fitted into their bedroom back in London, but it did.