Saturday, July 29, 2006

We gave up on potty training temporarily

Horay, mummy & daddy have given up on potty training.

They say they will try in a few months time, after the baby has arrived, well we'll see about that.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Daisy Pentop fingers

Here i am doing my bestest impression of 'Edward Scissorhands', but slightly less lethal, i am 'Daisy Pentop Fingers'
I had lots of fun putting them on my fingers, i did need some help with the second hand, but once they were on then i couldn't really do anything else so they didn't stay on for long.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Daisy & Ben

Here i am with my new little friend Ben.

Ben's mummy is Lisa P (Lisa & Tim's blog is linked on the left), who she used to work with ages ago at Carlton and they came over for a visit. Ben was born around Christmas time, so he's only 7/8 months old here, but boy can he get around, he can shuffle backwards, sidewards, maybe not quite forwards but that is only a matter of time.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I am poorly today

Daisy is poorly today
and yesterday,
very grizzly, very tired, very hot.

everything is a problem.

on top of that I'm trying to potty train her.

or maybe she's grizzly because of the potty training!

Monday, July 24, 2006

I is officially a big girl

I am now apparently officially a big girl, mummy says she knew i wanted to go for a number 2 because a) I hadn't done one the day before and b) i was making lots of smells.

I had pants on and i kept asking for my nappy, but mummy kept refusing and offering the potty instead.
Eventually mummy picked me up and took me and the potty into the lounge, she switched on CBeebies and sat me on the potty and we waited.
and we waited
and we waited
i asked for a nappy again but mummy just said to do the poo poo's in the potty so eventually i did, and i was so proud of myself.

Hope to do some more in the potty soon.

(thankfully mummy didnt' take a photo of me doing my number 2)

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Adam came to stay

This is Adam.

He was daddy's best man when mummy and daddy got married.

I liked him cos he was funny and he read me a story.

I wonder if he will marry me when i am older but i'm told he does actually have a very nice girlfriend already called Sorrel, so perhaps not.

Mummy tells me that Adam lives in a wellington boot in a place called NZ, he has lived there for quite a few years.
He has a job there and everything, i guess he likes it there.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Cowgirl Daisy

Here i am being a cowgirl.
I have Owl (John Cole's) hat on, and it fit me very well, i very nearly didn't give it back.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Winnie's Birthday

This was Winnie in complete awe at her plate of chocolate cakes, it was filled to the brim of chocolate brownies and strawberries and blueberries.
Not many blueberries were eaten by me, Lex or indeed Winnie herself, a few strawberries were munched, but mostly we ate the chocolate brownies, they were pretty damn delicious.

There is Winnie looking very pleased with herself with her mouth full of chocolate and damn fine pair of glasses on.

And there is Lex and me looking on at the cake eating and waiting for the nod so that we can charge on in and eat all the chocolate.
Oh and we all had damn fine Dame Edna glasses in our party bags.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Just being cute

Even though the photo is all blurry of me, i am still cute, and i definately know how to pose when i want to.