Sunday, January 31, 2010

See no evil...

This is another experiment, i am considering offering greetings cards for sale.
but i'm only considering it.

For instance this image is slightly quirky, it could look good as a card.
but do you think it needs the obvious text underneath?
I am guessing Marc will say no, but i'm not so sure.

while i'm on that subject, which way round does it go?
Is it see, hear speak as i've done it or is it hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil, i really cannot remember.

yes that is an advert over there on the left

I am just experimenting with it really, i may well delete it again in a few days, it depends on how much it annoys me really.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Oh i forgot to mention Wassailing, my dad sent me info on it and we kind of planned to do something around it. We were going to pour some cider onto the roots of our apple trees and maybe sing the trees a little song, but the bonfire was on the same day and we kind of forgot all about it after that.
Do you think an offering of smoke on the wassailing day, might make our apples have a lovely smokey taste to them?
For info on Wassailing, click here, or here and to listen to a Wassailing song click here.

We had a bonfire last weekend.

Oh boy did we have a bonfire.
We had a lot of cardboard left over from christmas and new year, and yes i know we should really have taken it to the recycling centre in Castle Cary, but, our car was already full with empty plastic milk bottles, apple juice cartons and loads of other recycling stuff, so we thought 'to hell with it, we'll have a bonfire'.

It started off small, they always start off small don't they?

and then they get bigger...

... and bigger again, it was so ridiculously smokey (mostly to do with a cupboard Marc chucked on that wasn't entirely made of wood) that we had to back off quite a way so that we could actually see anything through the tears in our eyes.

Soon after this photo was taken we quickly changed Daisy out of her school coat because she'd have gone in on Monday smelling like Guy Fawkes otherwise.
(yes i know Guy Fawkes didn't actually manage to put a match to his stash of gun powder underneath the houses of parliament, he was arrested before he could carry out his plan. So technically he wouldn't of smelled of smoke, but he might of smelt of BO cos they didn't wash much then did they?)

Marc also gave our pear tree a hair cut, apparently we should have done this a little while ago, but we thought better late than never really, last summer so many of our pears were wasted because we couldn't reach them, the birds got quite a few which is fine, but others just rotted and then dropped down onto the ground.

So Marc lopped off all the top branches, in the hope that the few pears that do grow this summer will be all the more juicier.

Yes here's Daisy in her favourite spot, up the pear tree. I seem to remember i liked sitting in our old apple trees quite a lot, when we lived in Berry Head Road.

As you can see the bonfire was still going.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

I'm a cross piggy and I'm also a little bit sad 

What with Marc doing most of the childcare of Iris at the moment, we have to rely on Marc's little insights in Iris' days.

Obviously whilst wearing this mask, Iris told Marc that she was "a cross piggy and i'm also a little bit sad".

Oh she's such a funny little sausage.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Iris the baby museum

Marc took these pics of Iris a couple of days ago whilst i was at work.
She insisted on the blanket as a sort of den and she told Marc
"I'm a baby museum"
(i think she meant she was a musician)

Whatever the logic behind it, she is one crazy little lady.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

In memory of the snow

The snow has now long gone.
I'm actually glad, though it was very pretty it really made living in the country very different from living in London.
I couldn't get to work for three days, and even if i had made it in they had chosen to close the Town Hall anyway.

But now that the snow has all but gone from a few fields away up in the distance, i can look at these photographs and reflect on how lovely the snow was on the one sunny day when we took Issy the dog for a walk.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Another use for a plastic bag.

These photographs were taken when we had snow all about and it was unusually sunny, in fact it was a beautiful day.
The school was closed as was my temporary work in Wells, so we went for a lovely walk.

Daisy loved it, she really does love the snow, but Iris really doesn't love the snow, as you can see.

The girls had plastic bags over the top of their gloves so that they could pick up snow without getting freezing cold soggy gloves, and we ended up putting plastic bags over the top of their two pairs of socks inside their welly boots too.
I can in fact confirm that plastic bags work very well inside your boots in snowy weather.

I have lots more pretty snowy photographs to follow.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Paper Lanterns in France

These photographs were taken over Christmas when we were still in France.

Emma brought these paper lanterns to France so that we could all light one and make a wish and let them all float off into the night sky.
They were really cool.

This is Emma and Chris (Marc & Emma's uncle Chris) lighting the first ones.

I think that's a close up of Chris but it's hard to tell, it is definitely the back of Daisy, looking about 15 years old, not 5!

Here are three lanterns floating off into the distance, very pretty.

Here are the two of us holding our lanterns, once you light them you have to wait for the heat to build up and then when you feel it pulling upwards you can let go.
Yes i did make a wish but no i'm not going to tell you or it won't come true.

Uncle Paul waiting to let go of his lantern.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Oh the weather outside is frightful

and the portable gas fire that my dad bought us is really quite delightful, i have it pointing at me right now from the doorway into my little office, yes Dad it has moved to the middle floor, and there is lots of ventilation around, no closed doors etc...
Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow.
Lyrics are here

Yes we have snow everywhere, much like the rest of the UK.
This was our garden this morning and it still looks pretty much like this except our footprints are everywhere.

It looks like a snowy paradise for snowy minded children like Daisy, who loves it in the snow, trouble is she only has one pair of gloves and they are not waterproof, i guess it's a good thing that we have to come back in to dry the gloves.
(Note to self, ask for gloves for the girls next Christmas)

The Pear Tree, with no partridge.

Four gold rubber rings

Oh i spoke to soon, there is Daisy trying to be a partridge.

The lovely snowy playhouse.

I don't remember an ariel and a sky dish up above our waterbutt last time i looked.

The holly tree/bush thing.

Iris in front of the holly/tree bush thing.

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Our Nativity Scene

This is our home made Nativity scene, which is down in the window of our shop, with some sparkly lights above it.
It's been constructed from various different types of toys, because we didn't have an actual nativity scene, although i notice you can actually buy a Playmobil Nativity set, which probably costs a fortune.