Saturday, August 25, 2007

Bogger now host videos!

I just uploaded this video to blogger rather than YouTube, it seems to be about the same quality but it is displaying it slightly smaller.

It would definitely be easier to just upload to blogger, than uploading to YouTube and then linking to the video on YouTube.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Iris' Birthday

Here are some photographs from Iris' first birthday, she had a jolly good time smiling and laughing at everybody and eating cake.

Here are some video's too:

Campbell blowing out her candles

Iris eating birthday cake

Iris doing karate with Run's foot

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

12 Months

At the age of 12 months Iris weighs 9kg which is nearly 20lb in old money.

Sunday, August 12, 2007


Daisy is currently 3years and 3months and i weighed her in the chemist last week and for the record she weighs 17.3kg, which in old money is about 38lbs. In relation to her red book (personal child health record) this means she is bang on the 91st percentile.

Not sure how heavy Iris is at this point but i will get her weighed on Monday at the baby clinic seeing as she is nearly 1 year. At last weigh in when she was nearly 10 months she weighed 8.35kg (18.6lbs) which is just under the 50th percentile in the red book.

Iris is a lot slimmer than Daisy was.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Daisy in her new kilt

Here is Daisy doing a little dance in her new kilt from Nana.

Iris not bum shuffling

Here is a video of Iris not bum shuffling, instead she is just sitting still.
The thing she does best.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Bum shuffling

Iris (11 months) is now officially a bum shuffler, she has been doing it for about a week or so, but these last couple of days she is really starting to get somewhere if it's a shiny floor.
I have been trying to video it, but whenever i start to video she just stops and looks at me.
When i manage to catch it i'll put it up.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Pampers photo shoot

Even though we don't use "Pampers" nappies, an old work friend called Tara asked if i wanted Iris to model some nappies for a shoot and seeing as money was to exchange hands in my direction i said yes.
So today we trouped down to Dulwich to a little cottage almost within the grounds of Dulwich College (where Ernest Shackleton's boat 'The James Caird' is permanently moored on dry land) for Iris' photo shoot.
The photographer managed to do maybe one photo of Iris before she fell off some cushions on to the floor and bumped her head and scratched her shoulder which caused quite a lot of tears and after that understandably she wasn't that happy.
After some lunch though she cheared up and the photograher managed to get some good one's (or so i'm told)
They promised to send me copies so i'll post some up here when i get them.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Lisa and Run's wedding

Here are a couple of pics from Lisa & Run's wedding.
A couple of the happy couple (of which i realise i took virtually none of just the two of them, oops sorry you two)
and a couple of shots of us that Daniel kindly took. (Marc is very proud of his rabbit ears trick)

recent(ish) pics of the girls

Here are three pics of the girls in the park, one pic of them in the bath and another pic of Daisy fast asleep in her new car seat.

New pics soon - Talk Talk

Now that the big computer has come back from the doctors, in theory i can now post pics up of the girls, in theory.
However, whilst our big computer was at the doctors we swapped from Blueyonder to Talk Talk only to discover that the free modem you get with your Talk Talk package works fine on Mac operating systems of 10.3 and under (this old laptop) but to use it on a new mac with OS 10.4 and above, you need another modem. Also if you want to connect more than one computer at the same time via a wireless router then you need to again buy another talk talk modem that is suitable.
Apparently a suitable modem will cost just under under £50, ontop of this it is highly likely that we will need to phone a specific section of tech support to help us set up this wireless router which will cost a fee of £25!
This talk talk broadband doesn't seem to be as free as it states in the adverts!

Still it's cheaper than the £25 a month we were paying with blueyonder.

Anyway though what i was getting around to say was that the new photo's are on the new big computer with no internet access, so in order to post them up i've got to transfer them across to the old laptop, which i will do very soon i promise.