Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

Here are some pics taken today of the girls in their halloween costumes.

Iris is a pumpkin, and Daisy is a witch, well Daisy's costume is sort of a devil costume cos there were some horns that went with it but we lost them straight away, so the hat from last year is now part of the costume.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Lisa and Tim and boys

Lisa (my old mucca from when we worked at Carton Interactive together, many moons ago) and Tim and her two little boys came over to my gaff for a photo shoot.
It was good fun, though Ben did get a little obsessed with Daisy's bright yellow digger (as all small boys do), so he wasn't quite so cooperative as he might have been had the digger been hidden.
Note to self, hide toys until after the shoot.

Anyway here are a few pics below, a few others are on Lisa's blog.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Daisy singing 'Something's drastic'

Daisy was presented with a certificate back in August from The Big Wild Read which was taking place at Clapton Library for reading 'Chicken Licken' and telling it back to the librarian, in a shorter summarised version that concentrated mainly on the birds going down into the foxes den and not coming out. I think that bit bothered her.
Sorry have i spoilt the ending for you?

Anyway though, so at this presentation, Michael Rosen was there giving a talk, and he was very funny, a really nice man, all the children of all ages seemed to be quite engrossed with his stories and poems and songs and actions and facial expressions etc...
Daisy came away liking his poem/song called 'Something's Drastic' and so i filmed her singing it.
The words should read like this :
something's drastic
somethings drastic
my nose is made of plastic
somethings drastic
somethings drastic
my ears are elastic
somethings drastic
somethings drastic
i'm fantastic

Here is a video of Michael Rosen reading his famous "We're going on a bear hunt" which Daisy loves.

Iris talking

This is a video of Iris talking, it was taken about a month ago when she was about 13months.
Mostly she is saying Daisy.

Iris's repertoire consists of (in order of occurrences): Daisy, Daddy, Nana (Banana and all food related matters) mama, googirl (good girl), goghurt (yoghurt - her favourite food), and today she said teddy bear apparently but Marc and Daisy heard that, i was on the loo.

Oh and yesterday and today she decided to crawl rather than just bum shuffle, so now she seems to be doing both.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Stuff you find on Hackney streets - Kitchen Cupboard

Daisy in a box
The things you find on the streets around our way in Hackney are strange.
I have of late seen mattresses, sofa's, fridges, fridge freezers, tv's, wardrobes and lots of broken tables and chairs.

Daisy thinks it's completely normal to see old (sometimes broken) furniture outside on the streets, she doesn't realise that where i grew up, you would be considered very common, if you just dumped your stuff outside and your neighbours would frown on you a lot. (frowning in Devon is a bit like being stabbed in Clapton)

There was a broken chair further down our road, which hung around for a while, it kept moving house, and so this was naturally the little bears chair from the story 'Goldilocks and three bears', it was all i could do to stop Daisy bringing it home with us.

Anyway though this backless kitchen cupboard was out on the pavement and naturally Daisy had to have a photograph taken from behind it.
A cold grey looking kebab was actually still on the top shelf.

Other "Stuff you find on Hackney streets" photographs.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Christmas Ideas for the girls 2007

Firstly, this is obviously a post to family members rather than friends, unless you do want to buy Daisy and Iris a christmas present and then you are most welcome to.

This is a post about christmas present ideas for the girls.
I will list things that i think might be of interest to the girls and if you are interested in buying it or something like it then please let me know first (ie: before you buy it) so that any other grandparent or auntie doesn't get it as well.

* BABYborn / Dolly outfits.
Daisy has two main dollies, one is a BABYborn (named Flossie) the other is of similar size but with a soft body (named Maggie), so any clothes that you buy (or make) should be for a 43cm (17") doll.
* Sewing kits.
I think Daisy would like this Lacing Animals In A Tin or even this Sew & Lace Card which is cheaper, for a younger child but looks more interesting. She is quite interested in sewing, although i guess the interest might not last for too long because they both look quite basic but she would like it for a goodly while, at least until boxing day.
Presents already purchased
* Micro Scooter. - purchased
OK, this is perhaps a bit expensive at just under £40 but if anyone wants to donate to a scooter then you are most welcome.
Daisy has been having a go on her friends scooter just like this one and she seems to be getting the hang of it and did say she wouldn't mind one.
* Baby Doll Sling. - purchased
I think Daisy would like this dolly sling, in fact i think she would really like this dolly sling.

* Charlie and Lola DVD's.
The Charlie & Lola series ranges from series 1 - 8.
We already have no 5 so please don't get that one.
If you want to buy one of these then you can get these from real live shops that you can walk in and everything like Woolworths, WHSmith etc... but if your legs are not working you can also get them from the bbc online shop : No 1, No 2, No 3, No 4, No 6, No 7, No 8.
* Mary Poppins DVD
* Charlie and the chocolate factory (the original with Gene Wilder in it)
* Peter Pan (the original)
* Jungle Book

She is in fact quite hard to buy for because in some ways she has it all already (she plays with almost all Daisy's toys)
*In the night garden
She does quite like in the night garden so she might like this set of main characters or an iggle piggle or an upsy daisy
Just noticed you can get some of these from Woolworths too, this little threesome set looks goodPurchasedMacca Pacca bath toy has already been - purchased
I would say smaller is better than bigger in my opinion, otherwise it takes up too much room, plus she only has little hands
* Happy Land from the early learning centre
Happy Land is a brand from the Early Learning Centre of cute figure sets.
Iris really likes playing with Daisy's old figures so she would probably love to get more. (having said that, Daisy laid it all out and played with it for about an hour on Monday!)
We already have these : Goosefeather Farm, The Village Vet and The Post Office so please don't get these.
Presents already purchased
This Happyland Playmat i think would be greatly appreciated by both girls. £15. - purchased

For anyone out there looking for inspiration for christmas presents for their children, here are some websites with nice toys.
Great Little Trading
Early Learning Centre

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Sunday Shoots

On Sunday we went down to Columbia road flower market to have our photograph taken by Seamus Ryan. Every Sunday he has an open studio where the general public can go in and have a free shoot within whichever set he has created. This Sunday was called The Fall.
It was fun, Daisy really enjoyed it as you can see from her face, Iris was not so amused by it, i don't think she liked the wind machine.

Here is a link to Seamus's website where you can see all the photographs taken on that day, there are three photographs of us on the second page in.
Sunday Shoots

I think it's a fabulous idea, wish i'd thought of it.

I'm sure he makes a fortune from people buying the prints.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Iris cannot walk but she can climb stairs

oh the joy begins.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A trip to the British Museum

Today we ventured to the British Museum in London town.
We essentially went in to meet Marc for lunch who is working nearby, but i thought it might be interesting for Daisy inside the museum, but i guess she is a bit too young for statues and mummies.
I tried to explain what a mummy exactly was but she couldn't quite grasp that one, she ended up thinking that i was somehow gonna die and be wrapped in bandages somehow, so instead we went to the shop and bought her some holographic stickers and the usual notebook and pen (Daisy's favourite gift of the moment)

Here are some photographs


Friday, October 05, 2007

Daisy's new mode of transport

It works with Iris facing forwards or backwards, though when she is backwards i have to recline her slightly.
Daisy usually puts her feet in the underseat bag as well which means she can stretch out.