Wednesday, May 07, 2008

We went to the Circus

Bobby Roberts Circus
It was Lucy's idea, we were in the park today having fun in the sun, and then to have a break from the dangers of the playground (both Daisy and Iris fell over and grazed their knees) we walked on the grass around the edge of the circus nearby, in the hope of seeing some of the animals. When we got round to the front and hadn't seen any animals Lucy suggested going in considering the tickets were only £6 each today, rather than £20 normally.

But Lex doesn't like clowns and there was a photograph of a clown on the advertising board, so Lex ran away when Lucy tried to coax her in, she ran to a tree and sobbed, so that put a stop to the idea of Lucy going in. However Daisy then had it in her head that she did want to go to the circus, quite a lot, she kept hugging my legs and saying please, please, please... So i called Marc who was at home and asked if he wanted to come too cos i didn't fancy sitting there for two hours with both girls, potentially causing havok, and he did want to come, so we went.

Both girls loved all of it, they were amazed by the trapeze lady, loved the man balancing on strange pipes stacked on top of each other, loved the elephant 'Anne' who came in at the interval for photos (she was in retirement), they loved the jumping, skipping, balancing troup of five men and two ladies, and the horses galloping around and around the ring.

The clowns were a bit lame, perhaps Lex just doesn't like crap clowns, perhaps if they were better and funnier then she'd have willingly come in.

I think Daisy might like to run away and join the circus now.

(i didn't take that picture by the way, i just took it off their website)

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