Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Stuff you find on Hackney pavements - A car!

What a treat, two in two days.

Somebody has had a little accident with their car, i think they have forgotten that cars usually stay parked on the streets and do not mount the pavements and crash into school walls.

This photograph of Daisy and Iris was taken on my camera phone.

This photograph of Daisy and her friend Rose from her nursery, was taken on my faithful Canon Ixus.

Other "Stuff you find on Hackney streets" photographs.


Auntie Vicky said...

Daisy does "jeans"

well well

Charlie said...

YES JEANS, i know it's amazing, it has revolutionised the winter months ahead.

These jeans have a little butterfly embroidered on them which seems to make all the difference.

She is wearing her new jeans in the top photograph but she's wearing her very old, far too small for her dungarees, in the photograph below