Friday, November 07, 2008

Our Landline is working again.

Horay, thanks to BT, yes BT, not Talk Talk, we now have a landline that rings more than once.
Talk Talk apparently did some investigations but actually deemed the problem fixed via a text message on my mobile, about a month ago. If they had bothered to actually call the landline they would have realised the problem wasn't fixed.

Anyway though eventually i built up the courage to go through the long system of phoning them up again, and after waiting on the line for about 30 mins i was eventually put through to a very nice helpful person called Gabriel who actually did something about our problem.

He took my mobile number and then told me to hang up and not anwer the landline so he could test it (have you ever tried to not answer the phone when your sitting right next to it? I can tell you it's tricky) so he called me back, and i didn't answer and he realised that the phone only rang once and then went to white noise, and then he called back on my mobile.

This particular problem was called a 'Ring Trip' which was caused by faulty wiring somewhere along the thousands of wires it takes to bring a phone line to our house.

Then this morning i got a call from a BT guy called Garfield who said he was five minutes away could he come round, so we had to say yes, and he fixed it.

The problem was kind of to do with additional non BT phone plugs that somebody (pre-us) fitted, i think it was to do with running an old security system that was still plugged in when we got here.
Anyway though he fixed it and it didn't cost anything.

So feel free to call us on the landline or even leave a message.


Anonymous said...

that was amazingly interesting, thanks for sharing all those great details - I especially liked the part about the white noizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Charlie said...

I agree, it was a bit of a boring post, but at least my family (who are in Devon) will be totally up on what is happening with my landline, which is very important for grandparents.

But thank you for your comment, the contents of it have been noted.