Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Top Tips - To Thicken a Moustache

I thought it might be novel to add a few top tips to the blog when i come across them, obviously the more bizarre the better, and if they can be children related then top trumps, but i'm guessing most will just be ordinary.

To Thicken a Moustache
Take 1oz of tincture of cantharides, 1oz of tincture of capsicum, and 1oz of rosewater.
Mix into a lotion, and rub well into the moustache mane et nocte.
(taken from Schott's Food & Drink Miscellany by Ben Schott)

What i want to know is who on earth would want to thicken their moustache?

Mane et nocte means Morning and Night.
Spanish fly, or Cantharides as it is sometimes called, is often given to farm animals to incite them to mate. Wikipedia
Capsicum is a chilli or a pepper. Wikipedia
Rosewater is made from rose petals and is used to flavour foods. Wikipedia


Our exciting life together said...

you is officially crazy and very very funny

fel said...

I want a thicker moustache! Mine is too thin, and it is oddly thinner on one side than the other...?