Saturday, August 15, 2009

Pirate Thursdays in Brixham

Every Thursday in the summer is Pirate Thursday in Brixham, thanks to the Brixham Buccaneers, i think i blogged about it last summer, hang on i'll go and have a look...

... yes here is a link to last year with a Captain Jack Sparrow.

But look-e-like-e-Depp wasn't there this time, though i'm told he does still come down sometimes, he's probably all famous like now and doesn't get out of bed for less than £2.95 and a packet of mints.
But a lady with a parrot on her shoulder was there, however when we finally managed to make our way through the crowds, she answered her mobile phone, and then stayed on her phone chatting away for ages, i mean it was probably about 8 mins.
There were loads of people waiting to pet the parrot.
Somehow i don't think she was in character.

But we did manage to pet the parrot, even if Daisy was quite unsure about the whole thing.
We did however meet a real live mermaid, who read us a story, she said she was a friend of Ariel's which was all very exciting.

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