Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Daisy's nightmare explained

Daisy: "I didn't have a nightmare last night, mummy can explain"

Mummy: "I was putting the rubbish out into the bins out the front of our house and the next door neighbour said hello and asked me how i was etc... (what with only 5 days to go till due date!)
And Daisy came out after me and said, man in bed, man cross.
The family next door moved in about six months ago, they are an asian family who seem really nice, mum & dad with three grown up children who all live there, so it can get quite noisy.

Next door's bathroom is next to Daisy's bedroom, so i imagine the dad (which is who's voice she recognised) must have been in the bathroom talking to someone and sounded cross and was looking for his shoes.

I can only imagine that this is what happened.

If it did, then i really hope they heard Daisy crying, and are a little quieter in the middle of the night, so as not to wake her up.

I've left her a little light on in her room anyway, just in case, and we have explained that if she hears the man again, he isn't in her room, he is next door in his house.

Not sure if this will work but fingers crossed."

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