Tuesday, October 03, 2006

We are in Devon

Yes we are in Devon: Mummy, Iris and I, staying with Nana-&-Grandad by-the-sea. So far we have had lots and lots of fun.

Here is a photograph of an elephant at Paignton Zoo, i went with Auntie Vicky today.
This elephant is of either 'Gay' or 'Duchess' not sure which one it is, they are 36 & 37 years old and they arrived here at Paignton from Longleat quite a while ago. Apparently they are best pals but do fight sometimes.

We also saw a new giraffe called Yoda who is two years old and is from Denmark, he is the first to replace the poor giraffe family who died last year in a terrible fire, apparently heat lamps caused some straw to catch alight and they all went to heaven.
The giraffe family consisted of a mummy, daddy and a baby boy giraffe.

We also saw monkeys, rabbits and lots and lots of other things.

In the petting zoo i was quite partial to a little goat, here i am trying to make friends with it.

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