Friday, July 04, 2008

The car is all sparkly and new

£60 later and a whole lot of scrubbing and the car and the car seats are now all sparkly and new again.

The car had to go in for valeting at the local car wash, honestly, there was no way i could have gotten the smell out before this weekend where we will be off to 'A day at the Hop Farm' where Neil Young will be playing.

Daisy and I scrubbed and scrubbed and hosed and hosed and scrubbed and scrubbed those car seats, we pulled as much of the fabric back as we could and hosed inside and out and found sick and raisins and bread sticks and all sorts of other strange stuff down behind the lining.
They are now very clean, the cleanest they have been for a long time, i just hope they dry in time.

Update - Iris' seat does still smell a little bit, but hopefully not too bad, we might have to have windows open when we travel down to see Lisa and Run tomorrow.

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