Sunday, July 20, 2008

Iris singing Peter Rabbit

Today i emptied out our bag of hats to sort through and find some hats that no longer fit the littlest head, both girls ended up trying on lots of hats.
Daisy automatically told me not to give them away, she knows i do give old clothes and toys away to charity or freecycle, the poor thing lives in fear of me giving away her favouite clothes and toys.

Here is a photograph of Iris wearing an old hat and mitts combo that incidentally didn't get put into the charity bag.

Here is a video of her singing a bit of "Peter Rabbit" in this hat, this is currently one of her favourite songs.

Other favourite songs include: Tommy Thumb, Yellow Submarine, Zoom Zoom Zoom, Twinkle Twinkle, The ants go marching one by one, and a few others that i have forgotten, they are all sung in a similar fashion where most of the words are missing.

Oh by the way, Marc took the pic and the video, i cannot take any credit.

1 comment:

Auntie Vicky said...

ha blooming ha..... such a sweetie.... and I have had the longer version by phone.. lucky me x